The more questions I try to answer, the more questions come to mind.
Why did God tell Jesus to sit down?
I will never attempt to play God, and I in no way think I have it all figured out but I do find it amazing to ponder what it means to you and me when God told Jesus to have a seat until Your enemies become Your footstool.
This is the picture I have in my mind. Jesus just finished all His work the Father had for Him to do. How do I know this? Jesus said on the cross, "It is Finished."
Have you ever been given a specific job to do? Think back to when you were a child and your parent or guardian gave you a job to do. This job may have had many tasks, but what all jobs have are a beginning and an end. When you were done, you told the person who gave you the assignment, "It is finished."
Does Jesus mean He is finished with the cross or was He speaking of all the "work" God had for Him to get done before reentering heaven? I believe the cross was the most important task to complete, and is arguably the reason He came to earth as a man, but that is not all Jesus got "finished." He completely defeated Satan and obtained victory on every level.
I believe Jesus was finished with all His work on earth, not just the work of the cross. What does that mean exactly? I think it means it is our turn to do the work God has for us to do in our life. Using Jesus, the word of God, as our example. It has to do with being imitators of Christ.
We are the body of Christ. Jesus is the head and is sitting at the right hand of the Father. We are His hand, feet, mouth, etc. So what are you and I supposed to do? Does God need us or can He do it all Himself? See what I mean... the more questions you start to answer, the more questions come up. I think I am going to be on this for a little while longer.
Next we will discuss scripture that backs up what I believe we as the body of Christ are supposed to be doing.
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