Free Yourself From Your Burden
Why are you afraid of telling people about Jesus? There are many reasons you might use but why not just destroy all of those excuses with action? We have coined a phrase Effortless Evangelism. We use something you do every day (put on clothes) and we help you put on Christ daily.
Jesus promised in Matthew 11:30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Why should you ever struggle when talking about Jesus?
My guess is, you have been witnessing your way, not "yoking up with Jesus". By witnessing your way, you get to carry your burden. Or worse, you have been trying to witness like someone else.
God made you unique. He gave you unique skills and personalities. Why would you ever try to be like someone else?
Here is a radical concept; why not be yourself around the people you come in contact with everyday? Then, if the opportunity presents itself to share Jesus, do it from your heart. Sharing Jesus with people should be an extension of who you are, not something you must do. That is what we mean by Effortless Evangelism.
Sharing, when asked, to people you know or come in contact with during your day. Not going door to door talking to people you have no rapport with or may not even know. That to me is not effortless on any level.
I have not read anywhere in the Bible where Jesus went door to door. Do you think God forgot to use this powerful witnessing tool or maybe He did go door to door but forgot to record it in His word?
No, Jesus just lived His life and people followed. He then poured Himself into His followers (not randomly to someone behind a door). Jesus taught, He preached, and He healed those who came out to meet Him. A person did not have to "get saved" before he shared, but most did to come to Him. That defines Effortless if you ask me.
Why not try something different today? Be yourself, someone will follow. If not, relax and take a walk through life, someone is at least watching.
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